How to sign up for Elementary Band:
Step 1: Pick up an interest form from your teacher, or download and print it here.
Step 2: Fill out the form with your information and what instrument you would like to play, and hand it in to your homeroom teacher.
Step 3: If renting, head to rmsides.com and fill out the rental agreement information. (Please note: the $25.95/month price expires after a two month period where it then becomes $33/month). The rental includes everything you need, including the lesson book.
Anyone with questions regarding instrument rentals, please contact our instrument dealer Brett Rynhart at rynhartmusic@gmail.com.
Families who qualify for free or reduced lunch should contact Mr. Kutay to request using a school owned instrument at bkutay@elsd.org

How do I choose an instrument?
During a typical school year, we hold an instrument night in September where interested students can talk with current high school students about the instruments.
This year however, it will largely be up to you! Look up each instrument online and see what people do with them! Please contact Mr. Kutay with any specific questions or concerns. Any student can play any instrument, but the biggest factor should be that you are motivated to play.
The instruments available to choose from include:
French Horn
Baritone (Tuba)
Percussion (Snare and Mallet Instruments)
Each elementary band lesson lasts 25 minutes and occurs once a week during the school day.
Lessons occur everyday that school is in session. In the event of a two hour delay, lessons are cancelled.