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Keep up with the alumni of the Hughesville High School!

Max Derby '18

Susquehanna University

Max Derby is currently a freshman at Susquehanna University, majoring in Computer Science.

Jacob Reynolds '18

Penn State University

Jacob Reynolds is currently a freshman at PSU, majoring in Supply Chain Management.

Olivia Karschner '18

Penn State University

Olivia Karschner is currently a freshman at PSU, majoring in International Politics.


Trey Pachucki '18

Rochester Institute of Technology

Trey Pachucki is currently a freshman at RIT, majoring in Computer Exploration.

Ellie Doty '18

University of Pittsburgh

Ellie Doty is currently a freshman at Pitt, majoring in Biology.

Shelly Robbins '18

Lock Haven University

Shelly Robbins is currently a freshman at LHU, majoring in Pre-PA

Cassie Walters '18

Mansfield University

Cassie Walters is currently a Sophomore at MU, majoring in Psychology.

Benjamin Nesselrodt '15

Dartmouth College

Ben Nesselrodt is currently a senior at Dartmouth College, dual majoring in in Physics and Mathematical Data Science and minoring in French.

At the East Lycoming School District, we pride ourselves in offering large opportunities in a small school environment. The Hughesville Band Program is made up of multiple performing ensembles under the direction of Mr. Benjamin Kutay. During school hours, we offer 5-6 Elementary Band, 7-8 Junior High Band, and 9-12 Spartan Concert Band. Outside of school hours, we offer marching band and jazz ensemble. Occasionally, opportunities come along for students to perform at special venues. 


Elementary students are assigned one 30 minute group lesson a week, while junior and senior high students attend band class every day for 44 minutes.

Extra opportunities for study and performance are offered by the Lycoming County Band Director's Association as well as the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association. All extra-curricular ensembles are open to students from grades 7-12.



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